Heard of the PSOAS MUSCLE? Most people have. It’s one of the most popular stretches people perform before or after exercise or even just for a release of the tightness through the hip. This muscle is a super interesting muscle. It is closely related to your posture, as it is the only muscle that connects the lumbar spine (lower back) to the lower part of the body.

The main actions it performs is:

  • Flexion at the hip

  • Flexion of the torso

  • Rotation of the hip outwards (lateral rotation)

  • Stabilisation of lumbar spine

  • Minimal abduction of the thigh

But what’s so significant about this muscle?

Because of its origin (the lumbar spine), the psoas can very much be related to, or the cause of, low back pain. It may also be related to poor posture, as it can tilt the pelvis if tight or weak.

Unfortunately, it is a syndrome that can often go misdiagnosed.

Clinical symptoms include:

  • Low back pain

  • Hip pain

  • Groin/pelvis pain

  • Radiating pain in the knee

  • Tightness in the hip

  • Tightness in the lower back

  • Poor posture (lumbar lordosis)

  • Restriction of diaphragm (shallow, chest breathing)

A short, tight psoas can be caused in a number of ways. These include, prolonged sitting, prolonged cycling, weak pelvic floor, weak gluteal muscles or acute/overuse injuries.

Unfortunately, when this muscle is overworked, tight or weak, it causes other surrounding muscles of the major flexors to compensate and become overused. Which then causes a whole range of other problems!

So what can you do?

Stretching is a great way to relieve tension and tightness through the psoas muscle. When stretching this muscle, not only is there relief through the front of the hip, but the lower back will feel a lot loser, resulting in increased flexibility.

If there has been a previous injury to the muscle, low-impact exercises are also great to help rebuild the muscle and its function.

If you have tried these and there is still a niggle or sharp pain that you can’t seem to get rid of, then some extra therapy may be required.

A chiropractor can assist in psoas release and strengthening, as well as realigning the lumbar spine to ensure the psoas attaching to it functions properly and there is no interference to the nerve innervating it, helping it function at its most optimum.

If you experience unremitting low back pain that nothing has helped to correct, this may just be your answer! Book in for an appointment today by CLICKING HERE or call us on (03) 6289 5023.

We’ve got your back!